Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Exercising Sucks!

I can not lie, I hate exercising.  I really do.  Always have.

Friday was a good day for a few laps around Wapato Park, the sun was low and my energy was high.  So I did a few stretching exercises, just enough so the other walkers would think I actually knew what I was doing, put on my ear phones, the kind with the huge bumpers covering my entire ear lobes and turned on my I-Pod to some Michael Jackson.  

As I turned the first corner I felt good, pumping my arms at my side to burn off more energy and keeping at a fairly quick pace.  It was about the third go ‘round when the sweat started pouring down my forehead and I felt energized about doing something good for my body.  I was working it.  Then….

Two young ladies in back of me, pushing a baby in a stroller, started to get the lead on me.  Now to my old eyes, they looked like they were moving in slow motion compared to my quick step.  Um…no.  They sped past without any effort AND they were chattering loud non stop – without any heavy breathing or panting that should have been caused by their pace.  Here's what I heard with earphone on mind you:

Lady pushing the baby stroller: “So anyway, I told him if he does it again he’s out on his ass.”

Walking partner wearing jeans, t-shirt and snappy boots with about a 3-4 inch heel.  “Girl, no you didn’t.  What did he say?”

Lady with baby: “Oh yes I did.  And he had the nerve to say he didn’t do nothing, that it wasn’t him…”

Snappy boot-wearing dresser:  “Ooooh Girrrrl! You know…”

But I didn’t hear what came after the ‘you know’.  My ears were starting to buzz as I put more effort into breathing and walking at the same time.  I tried to pass the ladies and the baby in the stroller as they all moved forward but it was taking everything I had and then some to catch up with them.  No kidding. Prior to running into them I actually thought I was having a good work out.  Geez.  Putting them out of my mind completely, I tried hard to just focus on what I was doing.   I turned my music up several notches and let Michael Jackson’s lyrics pump me up.

Gotta hide your inhibitions
Gotta let that fool loose deep inside your soul
Want to see an exhibition
Better do it now before you get to old
'Cause we're the party people night and day
Livin' crazy that's the only way…

I was just starting to get the groove and feel like I was something mighty when this old lady (older than me anyway) -- with a cane I might add, and what I assume to be her hubby passed by me.  She gave me that nice little old lady assuring smile and said, “Keep it up honey, you’re doing just fine.” Right.

I decided to call it quits and at the next ‘round about headed straight to my car.  I had to tell this story though before I headed out today.  And yeah – I’m going to Wapato Park.  I’m turning my music up really loud, hittin’ the path hard for, hopefully, six laps, without focusing on anything except my goal.  Wish me luck!

 P.S. I'm over dramatizing a bit about the old lady.  She didn't pass me up but she probably would have if I'd stuck around.  :)

“Think you won’t make a difference with one run? You won’t make any difference doing nothing.”


The only way to finish is to start”


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